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If you think your life is hard, imagine being related to Dracula. Imagine being a prince without a crown or a country, with a dark legacy – a legacy of blood and evil!

“It’s an extraordinary story that combines Romanian and English history and two of the best-known people that ever lived: Henry VIII and Vlad Dracula”
Readers reviews
What people say?
The Author found a wonderful way to make you "the reader" wanting more...
Loved Sebastian. Good storyline to be continued. It contains facts and fiction which makes this an easy, compelling read. The author knows her stuff.
The story continues.
Where did it all start?
And how will it end?

The second book in the series takes the reader back to the beginning. When a young woman named Ana met a handsome young prince, Vlad Dracula. A loved story that ended in tragedy and would spam for many years. What went wrong?
The third book in the series takes the reader back to the Tudor Court for the reckoning. Family united and divided. Who will win?

Life without books is like living in constant fog: depressing and dark
A. F. Sitaru
About the author
Born in Romania – the land of Vlad the Impaler – A. F. Sitaru discovered a passion for books and history especially 15th and 16th century at an early age and spent a lot of time reading and researching the period until she became quite the expert. As a child, she was fascinated by all the stories – some unwritten – of Vlad, the infamous, unlucky prince and Anne Boleyn, the tragic queen and second wife of Henry VIII. A. F. Sitaru spent all her summers growing up in a remote village in Romania with her grandparents, where she experienced a simple way of living and learnt how to fish, work the land, look after the farm animals, ride horses, find her way without a compass and even light a fire without matches. ‘I can quite easily and happily go back in time and live in the 16th century,’ she states.
A chartered accountant by trade, she spent most of her life in the UK where she still currently lives. Her fascination with Vlad the Impaler and the Tudors gave her the idea for the Related to Dracula series.

Life is an everyday journey with an unknown destination. Enjoy the adventures, the twists and turns and transform your life into a memorable story. Make it count!